Conference Chair

Dr. Gert Krabichler, born in 1952 in Germany, holds a Diploma (MSc.) in Biology, a Diploma in Physics (MSc.), and a PhD in Physical Chemistry.

After 7 years in the diagnostic industry in R&D and management functions, finally as divisional head of Roche Diagnostics Germany, he joined Roche’s Vitamins Division as Head Regulatory Affairs and Scientific Communication for Central and Eastern Europe, representing Roche Vitamins in national and European industry associations (Food, Pharmaceutical and Chemical industry).

In cooperation with the European Commission and several EU Member States bodies he developed a training program (1995/96) for the “not yet Candidate Member States” (like Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, etc.) on food, food supplement and dietetic food legislation to facilitate the integration of these future Member States into the EU legal framework. Since 1994, he was member of the German delegation of the Codex Alimentarius Committee CCNFSDU.

Continuing in 1999 as Head External and Scientific Affairs of Roche Vitamins Europe (from 2003 on DSM Nutritional Products Europe), he was founding member or initiator of several national and European food supplement associations. Since the beginning in 2003 up to end 2017 he was vice-chair of the German BLL AK NEM, and from 1999 to 2003 Board Member of ERNA continuing from 2003 to January 2010 as chairman of ERNA (European Responsible Nutrition Alliance, today FSE – Food Supplements Europe).

During those years he was strongly involved in discussions with the EU Commission and the Parliament in the development of the Food Supplement Directive (2002/46/EC) and in the development of the ERNA risk management model for Vitamins and Minerals, in the development of industry position papers related to the EU Health Claims Regulation, and in the IADSA training program for Southeast Europe.

After 3 and a half years as Head of Marketing and Business Development of Capsugel EMEA, Gert joined in February 2010 Merck Consumer Health as Global Head Regulatory Affairs, establishing a stand-alone global regulatory team and organization for the Consumer Health Division, with strong personal involvement also outside Europe in developments in the Middle East, Asia and America.

When reaching the retirement age in August 2017 he created as a self-employed individual the domain Food-PharmaOTC Consult, which is focusing on strategic, scientific, and regulatory advice in the borderline area of foods food/dietary supplements and OTC pharmaceuticals.

Today, he is advising German pharma companies on food legislation/regulatory issues and the development of a food supplement portfolio. In addition, he advises raw material companies on regulatory and EU import/export issues.

Further on, he is personal member of the German Food Industry Association (Lebensmittelverband Deutschland), the German FS Association (Lebensmittelverband AK NEM), and on behalf of P&G Health still active in FSE (Food Supplements Europe) and member of the IADSA Company Council.

Grenzach, April 2024